After nearly two years of the Lottex auction, a lottery modality known as ‘scratch card’, the government is finalizing the process with the consortium, then winner, and reformulating the model, taking into account the resolution of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) , which defined that the Union does not have exclusivity to explore lotteries.
According to the secretary of Evaluation, Planning, Energy and Lottery, Gustavo Guimarães, there is still no official date for a new auction. “We are already working using the STF decision to try to model the Lotex and once again put this type of instant lottery on the market”, declared Guimarães to the Valor Econômico portal.
As the secretary, the determination of the Supreme, which grants permission for states to create their own lotteries, opens up other possibilities and tends to expand interested players. The debate is taking place both with the Investment Partnership Program (PPI) and with the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES).
Two years ago, the Estrela consortium – composed of International Game Technology (IGT), from the United Kingdom, and Scientific Games International (SGI), from the United States, won the auction without competition, waving the minimum amount established. In October of last year, the companies announced in an official note that “prudent capital management” called for them to give up Lotex.
Subsequently, the Undersecretary for Prizes and Raffles of the Ministry of Economy, Waldir Eustáquio Marques Júnior, also declared to Valor Econômico that the consortium had not moved away from the concession and the documentation was still being evaluated by the Ministry. However, the stipulated time was finalized and the contract was not made official.
About Lotex
Lotex has the authorization of Law No. 13,155, of August 2015, and is characterized by the category in which the player immediately discovers the result. This means that the player scratches the card and checks whether or not he has won a prize.
According to the official website, Lottex has as its theme: brands, emblems, anthems, symbols, shields and the like relating to football sports entities.