The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), in conjunction with the Ministry of Economy, launched RFI No. 06/2021, aiming at a process for contracting technical services to consolidate the concession proposal for the Fixed Quota Lottery , considered a federal public service.
Interested players will need to perform the service in a consortium manner, ensuring the experience necessary to execute the projects.
RFI No. 06/2021 – Structuring of the Fixed Quota Lottery Project (AQF)
BNDES, in partnership with the Ministry of Economy, due to Decree 10.467 / 2020, is promoting the process of contracting technical services for structuring the project for the Fixed Quota Betting Lottery concession, a public service of the Union, instituted by Federal Law 13,756 / 2018.
The Request for Information aims to map, along with companies operating in the market, relevant competencies for structuring the project on screen, including: the structuring and economic-financial modeling of large-scale privatization projects; consulting on lottery and sports betting projects; legal advice on concession projects, as detailed in the form below on the link below.
In the scope of future contracting, companies will be able to provide the service in a consortium way, ensuring the availability of the necessary expertise for the projects. However, the completion of this RFI form must consider the individual experience of each company, and the formation of consortia to meet competencies is not analyzed at this stage.
Only companies previously identified as interested through this RFI process may be addressed, at the appropriate time, to the Request for Proposals – Request for Proposals (RFP), for participation in the following stages of the consultant selection process.
Interested parties should fill out the form at the link below, with a deadline for submission on 02/19/2021.
RFI Form No. 06/2021 – Structuring of the Fixed Quota Lottery Project (AQF)
Check here the preliminary scope of the technical specifications term (PDF – 183 kB)
The request for virtual meetings for clarification and additional information about this RFI can be requested through the email [email protected].