SPA divulga novas regras para o envio de certificados técnicos por operadores
Foto: Cleia Viana / Câmara dos Deputados

The Prizes and Betting Secretariat, linked to the Ministry of Treasury, published this Tuesday (14) a normative instruction that regulates the sending of technical certificates by authorized operators, whether on a provisional or definitive basis.

According to the regulations, sports betting and online gaming operators with definitive licenses must send, on a monthly basis, updated versions of the General Index Document and the Online Games Index Document, except when there are no changes to the certificates.

Signed by Secretary Regis Dudena, the normative instruction was published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU) and comes into force on the date of its publication.


Provides for the sending of technical certificates by fixed-odd betting operators authorized on a provisional basis under the terms of SPA/MF Ordinance No. 2,104, of December 30, 2024, and establishes a cover page model and index of technical certificates, including for definitively authorized fixed-odd betting operating agents.

THE SECRETARY OF PRIZES AND BETS OF THE MINISTRY OF TREASURY in the use of the powers conferred on him by art. 55, caput, item I, of Annex I of Decree No. 11,907, of January 30, 2024, and in view of the provisions of Laws No. 13,756, of December 12, 2018, and No. 14,790, of December 29, 2023 , and in SPA/MF Ordinance No. 2,104, of December 30 2024, resolves:

Art. 1 This Normative Instruction provides for the sending of technical certificates by fixed-odd betting operators authorized on a provisional basis under the terms of SPA/MF Ordinance No. 2,104, of December 30, 2024, and establishes a cover page and index of technical certificates, including for definitively authorized fixed-odd betting operators.

Art. 2 Fixed-odd betting operating agents authorized on a provisional basis in accordance with the Annex to Ordinance No. 2,104, of December 30, 2024, must, by January 30, 2025, submit via the Betting Management System – SIGAP:

I – the technical certificates for Betting System, Sports Betting Server (Sportsbook)/Remote Game Server (RGS), and Integration, as covered in items 1, 2 and 4 of Annex VI of SPA/MF Ordinance No. 300, February 23, 2024; and

II – a single online gaming certificate, as referred to in item 3 of Annex VI of SPA/MF Ordinance No. 300, of February 23, 2024, or a single online gaming certificate referring to games from a given provider.

§ 1 The certificates referred to in items I and II of the caput must be issued by a certifying entity whose operational capacity has been recognized by the Secretariat of Prizes and Bets of the Ministry of Treasury, in accordance with Ordinance SPA/MF nº 300, of February 23 2024.

§ 2 The sending of Sports Betting Server and Sportsbook integration certificates to the platform is waived for fixed-odd betting operating agents who requested to operate only the online gaming modality.

§ 3 The sending of Remote Gaming Server (RGS) certificates, online gaming certificates and RGS integration certificates to the platform is waived for fixed-odd betting operating agents who requested to operate only the sports betting modality.

Art. 3 The certificates indicated in art. 2nd must be sent via the Betting Management System – SIGAP, observing the following provisions:

I – the document type ‘Betting system certificate’ must be selected;

II – the name of the document must expressly indicate the type of certificate as follows:

a) Betting System – [Platform name];

b) Sports Betting Server, if any;

c) Remote game server (RGS), if any;

d) Integration – [Platform name]; and

e) Online games, if any.

III – all documents must be presented in Brazilian Portuguese.

§ 1 In the event that the certification of a Sports Betting Server (Sportsbook) and Remote Gaming Server (RGS) is included in the Betting System certificate, the information about these servers must be clearly identified in the Betting System certificate in question. item 1 of Annex VI of Ordinance SPA/MF nº 300, of February 23, 2024, as well as in the General Index Document referred to in art. 4th of this Normative Instruction.

§ 2 The Remote Game Server (RGS) certificate can be replaced by a certificate that proves remote access to the online game aggregator server.

§ 3 In cases not covered by § 1, the integration certificates referred to in item 4 of Annex VI of Ordinance SPA/MF No. 300, of February 23, 2024, must, when applicable, clearly identify the information about integration with the operator’s platform:

I – Sports Betting Server (Sportsbook);

II – Remote Game Server (RGS), for online game providers; and

III – Online game aggregator server, with the respective integration of the aggregator’s system into the provider’s system.

§ 4 In the event that a single integration certificate is not issued per platform, the integration certificate information must be specifically indicated in the table of the General Document-Index referred to in Annex I.

§ 5 For the purpose of proving compliance with the requirements for granting definitive authorization, the fixed-odd betting operator agent authorized on a provisional basis must send a single specific online gaming certificate or a single online gaming certificate referring to games from a given provider, with express indication in the table of the General Index Document referred to in Annex I, observing the provisions of art. 6th, when dealing with a certificate issued to several operating agents.

Art. 4 Fixed-odd betting operators authorized on a provisional basis must, by January 30, 2025, send, via the Betting Management System – SIGAP, the General Index Document in the form of Annex I.

Single paragraph. The General Index Document referred to in the caput must be a single document, sent as the document type ‘Betting system certificate’ and with the name ‘General Index Document’.

Art. 5 In the event that the certification required under the terms of art. 3rd, caput, of Ordinance SPA/MF No. 2,104, of December 30, 2024, is not completed by January 30, 2025, the fixed-odd betting operator agent authorized on a provisional basis must send via the Betting Management System – SIGAP:

I – General Index Document with information about the certificates referred to in arts. 2nd and 3rd of this Normative Instruction, in relation to the certification already completed; and

II – request for extension of deadline in the form of Annex II, accompanied by the declaration from the certifying entity, in accordance with art. 3rd, § 1st, of SPA/MF Ordinance No. 2,104, of December 30, 2024.

Art. 6 Fixed-odd betting agents authorized on a provisional basis and fixed-odd betting operating agents authorized on a definitive basis must send a cover page (branded report) to address certificates issued to various operators that do not expressly present the details of the operator, called Business to Business (B2B) certificates.

§1º The cover page must be the home page of the respective certificate sent.

§ 2 The sending of the cover page does not exempt the fixed-odd betting operator agent authorized on a provisional basis from sending the General Index Document and the Online Games Index Document referred to in Annexes I and III.

§ 3 The cover page that deals specifically with online gaming certificates must comply with the model in Annex IV.

Art. 7 Fixed-odd betting operators authorized on a provisional basis that offer online games, including in live studios, in accordance with art. 5th of SPA/MF Ordinance No. 2,104, of December 30, 2024, must, from February 1, 2025, send:

I – certificates for online games and live studios, referred to in items 3 and 5 of Annex VI of SPA/MF Ordinance No. 300, of February 23, 2024, with the exception of the certificate sent under the terms of art. 2nd, item II; and

II – the Online Games Index Document referred to in Annex III.

§ 1 The sending of the documents referred to in the caput must comply with the procedure established in art. 3rd.

§ 2 The live studio certificates, referred to in item 5 of Annex VI of Ordinance SPA/MF nº 300, of February 23, 2024, must be included in the Betting Management System – SIGAP with the express identification of the term Live studio.

Art. 8 Permanently authorized fixed-odd betting operators must:

I – by January 30, 2025, send via the Betting Management System – SIGAP the General Index Document and the Online Games Index Document, in accordance with Annexes I and III, with the identification of the certificates already sent ; and

II – from February 1, 2025, observe the provisions of art. 3 and in art. 7, § 2, for sending new certificates.

Art. 9 Permanently authorized fixed-odd betting operating agents must send, monthly, new versions of the General Index Document and the Online Games Index Document, unless there is no update of certificates.

Art. 10. This Normative Instruction comes into force on the date of its publication.




  1. Name of operating agent:
  2. Identification of certificates, according to the table below and based on the information referred to in art. 2nd, items I and II:
Certificate typeDocument nameDocument identifier in SIGAPName of the certifier
Betting system/PAM [Indicate 1 certificate per platform]
Integration – Complete [Indicate 1 certificate per platform]
Integration – Specific (indicate which item(s) of article 2, § 2 refers to) [Indicate 1 certificate by
Online games (single game or provider certificate) [Please indicate only 1 certificate per



I request an extension for xx days [limited to 30 days] to carry out tests and issue the certificates referred to in items 1, 2, 3 and 4 [indicate the items] of Annex VI of Ordinance SPA/MF nº 300, of 23 February 2024.

Annex: Declaration of a certifying entity whose operational capacity was recognized under the terms of Ordinance MF/SPA nº 300, of February 23, 2024, which attests to the need to extend the deadline for carrying out tests and issuing the certificates referred to in items 1 , 2, 3 and 4 of Annex VI of Ordinance SPA/MF nº 300, of February 23, 2024.



  1. Name of operating agent:
  2. Identification of certificates, according to the table below and based on the information referred to in art. 2nd, items I and II:
Certificate typeDocument nameDocument identifier in SIGAPName of the certifierOnline game provider name
Live studioDoes not apply
Online games



  1. Game provider data.
  2. Name and CNPJ of the operating agent responsible for sending the certificate.
  3. Table with at least the following information on games or components tested:
Test ObjectGame or component nameRandom Number Generator (RNG) or ServerType of game (enter numbering as below)Certificate identificationCertificate date
Game Remote (RGS)
Online gameReport RNG
ComponentInform RGSN/A

Types of online games:

  • 1- Slot
  • 2- Crash game
  • 3- Roulette
  • 4- Bingo
  • 5- Live games
  • 6- Card Game
  • 7 – Others