A pedido da Fazenda, Anatel deve bloquear mais de 1.800 sites de apostas
Fazenda pede o bloqueio de 1.800 sites de apostas. (Imagem: Agência Brasil / Rafa Neddermeyer)

Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) will block another 1,800 illegal betting sites in the coming days. The list was sent last Monday (18) by the Prizes and Betting Secretariat (SPA).

Lockdowns require a federal government task force

In a period of less than 40 days, the SPA called for the blocking of 5,200 illegal betting sites. The first list, sent on October 11th, brought 2,040 domains. But the second, delivered on October 31, added more than 1,400 addresses to the list. The total balance also considers corrections made after the initial analyses.

However, implementing the blocks will be the responsibility of around 20,000 telecommunications companies that provide internet signals in Brazil. Anatel issues orders and closely monitors compliance, ensuring that measures are implemented quickly and efficiently.

In this way, the blocks occur with the use of technologies that prevent access to illegal websites. This ensures that Brazilian users will not be able to access these platforms, not even through local networks.

Betting sites will undergo strict inspection

Thus, the federal government is evaluating authorization requests sent by companies interested in exploring betting in Brazil.

Currently, only companies approved by the SPA or indicated by state regulatory bodies can operate legally. Sites outside this list cannot operate and face the risk of being blocked.

The provisional grant, valid until December, allows platforms to operate while SPA definitively analyzes requests. During this period, supervision will be strict. Authorized companies that fail to comply with the rules could lose their operating license as early as next year.

Advertising and use of the financial system are also in the spotlight

In addition to blocking websites, the government has been tightening its fight against illegal advertising, including those promoted by digital influencers. There are also actions to prevent the use of the national financial system by platforms that operate without authorization.

From January 1, 2025, only companies with formal authorization from the SPA will be able to offer betting throughout Brazilian territory. This measure aims to consolidate a regulated market, ensuring greater security for bettors and fairer competition between operators.

Combating illegal betting has been a priority in the current scenario. The regularization of bets and the search for responsible gambling are practices adopted throughout the world.