Ministério da Saúde espera criação de GTI para agir sobre vício em jogo
Imagem: Agência Brasil / Marcelo Camargo

The Ministry of Health admits it does not have data on excessive gambling among Brazilians. Thus, responding to a request for information presented by deputy Fabio Costa (PP-AL), the department headed by minister Nísia Trindade said that it awaits the creation of an Interministerial Working Group (GTI).

Challenges faced in combating excessive gambling

This group will analyze the situation of fixed odds bets and the chances of winning. A letter signed by João Mendes de Lima Júnior, head of the department of mental health, alcohol and other drugs, informs that the legal process to establish the GTI is underway, but does not specify a deadline for publication.

Promoting responsible gaming is the responsibility of the Ministry of Treasury. According to Lima Júnior, the GTI will be fundamental for the Ministry of Health, as the main challenge in combating gaming addiction is linked to the integration of intersectoral policies in the government.

The document also states that, currently, the Ministry of Health does not carry out awareness campaigns about gambling problems and warning signs. Furthermore, there is no official study on:

  • The effects of gambling problems on young people
  • Specific educational practices in schools to limit gambling addiction

In another letter, the Secretary of Primary Health Care (PHC), Felipe Proenço de Oliveira highlighted that “there is no program or care label for people diagnosed with gaming disorder in PHC”. Oliveira highlighted the main challenges related to the game, which are:

  • Lack of epidemiological data
  • Capacity of the groups that make up the PHC to identify and respond to demand

That is, he also mentioned the need to distinguish between different aspects of pathological gambling. As for expectations, Oliveira stated that, later this year, a manual will be released on the dangers of using screens.

The book, called “Guide for the Conscious Use of Screens and Digital Devices by Children and Adolescents”, will be presented to a working group that has been operating since March 13th. This group is made up of representatives from the ministry and 19 from civil society.

Investments in mental health

But that’s not all, the Ministry of Health also invested 7 million reais in creating the National Mental Health Survey (PNSM). This work is carried out by the Department of Infectious Diseases and Noncommunicable Diseases in partnership with the Department of Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs.

Thus, this will be the first study on the prevalence of mental illnesses, substance use disorders and suicidal behavior in Brazil. However, it is not yet clear how excessive gambling will be addressed in the research.