Foto: Pixabay

Buenos Aires, Argentina, is discussing a new bill related to the gaming market. This project aims to prohibit the presence of ATMs in physical gambling locations.

Therefore, deputy Daniela Reich presented the proposal, which covers a series of establishments. The list includes bingo halls, casinos, slot machine rooms, racetracks and any other place where bets are made using cash or other means of payment.

Objective of the proposal on gaming rooms and ATMs

The main objective of the proposal is to combat excessive gambling in Buenos Aires. The deputy argues that the immediate availability of money through ATMs can encourage compulsive gambling behavior.

Therefore, banning ATMs would be a concrete and temporary measure to help mitigate this problem.

“Considering the immediate availability of money as a concrete action that encourages compulsive gambling, we propose that the prohibition be by means of law, with concrete and temporary effect, so that the executive branch can comply with its effective implementation within two months” , said the parliamentarian.

This proposal follows a series of measures related to the use of payment methods in gaming venues.

In 2022, Governor Axel Kicillof took action that allowed the use of electronic payment methods in casinos, reversing a previous 2016 decision that had removed them.

However, this 2022 decision was suspended by Resolution 693, published in the Official Gazette of the Union on April 20 of the same year.

Resolution 693 and its implications

Resolution 693 suspended the application of the measure that allowed electronic payment methods in gaming rooms. The authorities decided to “suspend the application of the scope of RESO-2022-447-GDEBA-IPLYCMJGM, signed on March 16, 2022, until the authorized Gaming Rooms in the Province of Buenos Aires resolve the operational issues involved in its implementation, with based on the facts and rights set out in the previous recitals”.

Finally, Daniela Reich’s proposal aims to complement these measures, specifically focusing on the removal of ATMs as a strategy to reduce immediate access to cash.

If passed, the law would require the executive branch to implement the ban within a two-month period. Thus, representing a coordinated effort to combat the problems associated with excessive gambling.