This Monday (15), the Prizes and Betting Secretariat launched a rectification of the Ordinance (SPA/MF No. 1143/2024) published last week in the Official Gazette of the Union.
The measure addresses policies, procedures and internal controls to prevent money laundering to be adopted by betting operating agents that operate online betting.
The current secretary, Regis Dudena, signed the ordinance.
The rectification of the ordinance of the Prizes and Betting Secretariat in full:
In Ordinance SPA/MF No. 1143, of July 11, 2024, published in the Official Gazette of the Union of July 12, 2024, Section 1, page. 94
where it reads:
Art. 8 Internal AML/FT procedures must include, at a minimum, the following:
Art. 8 Internal PLD/FTP procedures must include, at a minimum, the following:
where it reads:
Art. 9 Internal controls for PLD/FT must include, at a minimum, the following;
Art. 9 Internal controls for PLD/FTP must include, at a minimum, the following;
where it reads:
Art. 16. Betting operating agents must adopt procedures that allow the qualification of bettors or platform users through the collection, verification and validation of information, compatible with their risk profile.
Single paragraph. Qualification procedures must cover measures aimed at:
I – assessment of the compatibility between the bettor’s economic and financial capacity and the operations associated with it;
II – verification of the condition of the bettor or user of the platform as a politically exposed person (PEP), family member up to the second degree, representative or close collaborator of a person in this condition, in accordance with the rules published in this regard by Coaf; It is
III – obtaining information from the bettor or platform user necessary to compose the minimum set of registration data, as defined in the rules of the Prizes and Betting Secretariat.
Single paragraph. The PEP condition lasts for five years from the date on which the person ceases to be in a position that qualifies him or her in this condition.
Art. 16. Betting operating agents must adopt procedures that allow the qualification of bettors or platform users through the collection, verification and validation of information, compatible with their risk profile.
§ 1 Qualification procedures must cover measures aimed at:
I – assessment of the compatibility between the bettor’s economic and financial capacity and the operations associated with it;
II – verification of the condition of the bettor or user of the platform as a politically exposed person (PEP), family member up to the second degree, representative or close collaborator of a person in this condition, in accordance with the rules published in this regard by Coaf; It is
III – obtaining information from the bettor or platform user necessary to compose the minimum set of registration data, as defined in the rules of the Prizes and Betting Secretariat.
§ 2 The PEP condition lasts for five years from the date on which the person ceases to be in a position that qualifies him or her in this condition.”