Senado acena com redução de taxas para setor de apostas esportivas
Foto: Geraldo Magela/Agência Senado

The sports betting regulation project is being processed in the Federal Senate. Senators are now discussing modifications to the proposal.

Among the main changes evaluated is the reduction in collection amounts and the withdrawal of online casinos.

According to Folha de São Paulo, the issue is occurring simultaneously in the Sports Committee (CEsp) and the Economic Affairs Committee (CAE) in the Senate.

Romário (PL-RJ) is the rapporteur at Cesp and Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA) at CAE. However, Coronel must also perform his role in the plenary.

The tendency is for an agreement to be reached in the coming days with the preparation of similar reports in the committees. The project came from the federal government, was approved in the Chamber and, if it undergoes modifications, it will need to return to the Chamber of Deputies.

According to parliamentarians interviewed by Folha, Coronel is one of those who defend the reduction of fees in the sports betting sector, from 18%, as expected, to 12%.

However, the Federal Government considers these values low. Therefore, the Ministry of Finance is mobilized to try to close at 15%. There is still no agreement, however, the expectation is that taxes will fall.

The license period, which according to the project approved in the Chamber is three years, could increase to six. This change is not well received by the Executive.

There are senators who support that the value of the authorization, currently estimated at 30 million, varies depending on the size of the bookmakers.

The changes could increase the processing time for the bill, which is part of the series of actions taken by Minister Fernando Haddad (Finance) to adjust public accounts.

These changes in grants and rates should also reduce the amount to be collected and projected by the department for 2024.

CBF and sports betting

The Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF), which initially fought for a fraction of the amounts raised for football, backed down, as reported by Folha.

The entity even suggested that approximately 5% of the gross revenue from sports betting be transferred to it and the football teams.

However, with a mechanism so that the amount was not recorded as public funds. This maneuver was not well accepted at the negotiating tables.

Currently, the CBF asks for the opposite: not to receive by law, however, to be able to negotiate with bookmakers and the amounts allocated to event organizers and teams.

The organization claims that bookmakers profit from exploiting team brands and images.

CBF sports betting (1)
Photo: Lucas Figueiredo / CBF

For the Ministry of Finance, this form of negotiation could compromise the sector, as there are dozens of companies.

Online casinos

Another point of divergence involves online casinos. The Chamber of Deputies included these online games in the proposal aiming to authorize the practice with taxation of 18%.

Romário and other senators were against the addition of online casinos to the proposal and are working together to block this point. According to Folha, there is a good chance that this term will be vetoed at Cesp.

“We are listening to everyone”, said rapporteur Angelo Coronel.

According to the senator, the objective is that, before the project is considered, there is an agreement not only between senators and markets, as well as with deputies, so that “the text comes out rounded and there is no need for changes in the Chamber” .