Gambling Commission announces changes to the licensing system

The Gambling Commission has announced plans to introduce a new licensing operation system. The current system gives each gambling operator a dedicated account manager.

However, due to increased demand, the Gambling Commission will move away from this form of operation, establishing four subgroups each dedicated to processing different stages and forms of licensing.

The four subgroups and their duties are as follows:

  • The New Operating License Group will process new operator license applications;
  • The Corporate Control Change Group will process requests relating to changes in ownership and control for current operators;
  • Vary Group Operating Licenses will be responsible for processing requests for changes to existing licenses;
  • The Personal License Group will be responsible for processing all requests for personal licenses.

While the broader application process is about to change, the Commission has confirmed that the initial application method will remain the same. However, mail orders will no longer be accepted.

In a statement, the Commission highlighted the reasons for this change in the operation of licenses: “We are changing our working practices to make the best use of our resources. By working this way, we hope to be able to process orders faster. We also hope to be able to resolve queries more efficiently and effectively.”

This announcement comes after the Gambling Commission issued new guidance on customer protection to operators in June 2022. The new rules for at-risk customers were announced in April and are expected to take effect on September 12 this year.

About the Gambling Commission

The Gambling Commission is an executive public body supported by the Ministry of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. The commission is responsible for issuing game licenses to individuals and game operating licenses to companies.

In addition, the entity defines requirements for all licensees. These are the License Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP). It also conducts assessments to ensure licensees are meeting all requirements.

The Gambling Commission still uses its regulatory powers to scrutinize and discover individuals or companies that do not follow its rules and regulations.