The discussion on the liberation of the gambling market is still in vogue in Brazil, drawing more and more attention from the population. According to a study published by Paraná Pesquisa on Monday, the 29th, most Brazilians support the legalization of gambling.
Among the people interviewed, 58% were in favor of all types of games, 35.1% said they were against it, while 6.9% did not know how to answer. Men (65.4%) with higher education (61.4%), economically active (60.2%) in the North / Central West Region (61.3%) were more likely to accept legalization.
The study also pointed out that the majority of respondents were opposed to casinos, only with a slight difference: 46.1% are against the resumption of these establishments, but 45.5% were in favor.
The opening of new job vacancies and income, tax collection and gains from grants with the implantation of gambling houses were points remembered by Brazilians in favor of the legalization of the gaming sector in the country.
The research was carried out jointly by the BNL / Data portal and the Instituto Jogo Legal com Paraná. In all, 2086 people were heard by phone between March 15 and 19 this year, in 194 municipalities in all Brazilian states.
Advances to the gambling market in Brazil
It is important to note that there are advances made in the legislative and judicial scenario on the gambling and betting market. After all, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) will focus on the issue during the judgment of Extraordinary Appeal 966,177, with recognized general repercussion (Topic 924), scheduled for April 7.
In the Federal Senate, Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA) also intends to show the report as a substitute for PLS 2648/19. Roberto Rocha’s project (PSDB-MA) seeks permission for the operation of integrated casinos in resorts, however the rapporteur is an advocate for the release of all types of gambling in Brazil.