Registration of companies for the Fixed Quota Betting Lottery concession project registers 38 interested parties

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Registration of companies for the Fixed Quota Betting Lottery concession project registers 38 interested parties

The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), in conjunction with the Ministry of Economy (ME), is carrying out a step of choosing technical services for the development of the privatization project for the Fixed Quota Betting lottery, instituted by Federal Law nº 13.756 / 2018.

The Fixed Quota Betting lottery was included in the PPI and included in the National Privatization Program (PND) via Decree nº 10.467 / 2020. Popularly known as ‘sports betting’, this is a public service of the Union, which can be passed on to the private sector through an authorization or concession process.

This category is a lottery in which the player seeks to guess the result of games or sports matches, such as card numbers, match result, author of the first goal, among other issues.

The aim is for privatization to help increase the chances of investments, leverage the economy, raise tax revenues and open new jobs. The BNDES, the body responsible for the elaboration and progress of the project, started the process to map players interested in performing these technical services.

In the first moment, the Request for Information (RFI) was promoted, from the 5th to the 19th of February, with the intention of locating the interest and the necessary skills to structure the service with the companies inserted in the betting industry. In all, 38 companies registered to participate in the process.

The next phase will be the verification of the data presented in the RFI and the establishment of the requirements for choosing the companies, which will be called later for the Request for Proposals – Request for Proposal (RFP), aiming at fulfilling the following steps of the consultant selection process .

Expectation for betting regulations in Brazil

Betting companies are closely following the advances in the regulatory process of the Brazilian market, as it is seen with the potential to become one of the largest in the world.

The expectation is that the process will be completed by the second half of this year, according to recent statements by the undersecretary of prizes and drawings for Secap-ME, Waldir Eustáquio Marques Jr ..