Foto: Wilson Dias - Agência Brasil

The mayor of São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes (MDB), approved the law that prohibits the use of animals in sports activities involving betting. The measure, approved by the City Council, includes horse races held by the traditional Jockey Clube de São Paulo.

The law, proposed by councilor Xexéu Tripoli (União Brasil), grants a period of 180 days for establishments to end activities with animals that involve betting.

The Jockey Club of São Paulo regretted the approval and stated that it will take legal measures to protect its rights and the rights of families dependent on the racecourse.

“In addition to demonstrating a total lack of knowledge about the sport, the proposal signals to the population a clear interest in trying to deconstruct the centuries-old history of the Jockey Club of São Paulo, as well as opening space for the absurd attempt to expropriate the land of the Cidade Jardim Hippodrome for possible real estate speculation”, stated the club in a statement.

Consequences and legal battle involving Jockey Club and horse racing

The sanction of the law should trigger a legal battle between the city hall and the Jockey Club. The law makes it impossible not only to operate the racecourse, but also to maintain the land in the club’s hands.

Companhia City donated the land in Cidade Jardim in 1936, under the condition of use for agricultural purposes. Otherwise, the municipality must receive the area back.

The possible transfer of the land to the municipality does not affect the Jockey Clube’s IPTU debt. Councilor Xexéu Tripoli defended the law, saying:

“I really believe that this sport has passed. We are in the 21st century. The time has passed for us to use animals for human entertainment and especially for gambling.”

The president of the City Council, Milton Leite (União Brasil), declared that he may ask the zoonoses sector to seize the animals if the club insists on holding horse races.