Careers in Racing criará grupo com jovens visando melhorar promoção de corridas ao público

Careers in Racing, the talent recruitment and development division for racing in the UK, is creating a “Youth Collaboration Group” with the intention of providing young people with opportunities to adjust to the traditional sport of horse racing.

With the support of the British Horseracing Authority (BHA), Careers in Racing is seeking “young people with an interest in horse racing and marketing” to contribute their suggestions on how racing can be promoted to an even wider audience.

The collaborative group is open to anyone aged between 14 and 21 with a strong interest in the areas of “marketing, graphic design, social media, video content, events and communications”.

Careers in Racing group members will receive training to foster professional trajectories

During the group’s meetings, participants will have access to training in various skills to help them develop their own careers, ranging from proofreading and text editing, video editing and participating in online videoconferencing.

In order to provide even more support, Careers in Racing will refer its young employees to its talent development partner, the Skills Builder Partnership, which will provide expert guidance on essential careers and skills development.

“We want to build a team of young people who really understand what we’re trying to achieve and who can give us honest feedback to retool some of our initiatives,” said Zoe Elliott, the BHA’s Director of Career Marketing and Recruitment.

Zoe Elliott continued: “At the same time, we want to support them in developing critical job skills to improve their résumés. This is a really exciting opportunity and we can’t wait to get started.”

The BHA representative concluded: “Youth Collaboration Group is the name we have chosen for this initiative. Therefore, the first activity they will be asked to give feedback on is creating a name and logo for the group. We hope that many young people get in touch to get involved.”