Exclusive Witoldo Hendrich talks about how payment methods can help the iGaming industry
Exclusive Witoldo Hendrich talks about how payment methods can help the iGaming industry

BiS SiGMA Americas is the largest event in the betting sector in South America, where players and professionals from the sports betting, online games, affiliates and lotteries sectors gather. iGaming Brazil covered the entire event and conducted an exclusive interview with Witoldo Hendrich Jr, partner at Online IPS and Hendrich Advogados.

Witoldo highlighted the exponential growth of the sector in recent years and praised the third edition of the Brazilian iGaming Summit, which exceeded expectations and reached an even higher level. “He [BiS] is bigger than I thought. Most people didn’t expect something so big… This is a real show!”

“It’s a giant show by Brazilian standards, both in size and in the seriousness and interest of those who are here”, he adds.

Asked about the role of means of payment in the betting sector, Witoldo gave his vision: “As a business enabler, it is indisputable. Money has to come in and go out”, he commented.

“What the serious payment method can help these companies… is in creating a flow that is within the legality, according to what the Central Bank thinks, according to what the revenue thinks”, added the businessman.

In addition, Witoldo also comments on the CPI of sports betting and a little of his vision of how the market will be forwarded in the coming months, highlighting how much some details still need to be polished in order to have a healthy and sustainable environment.

Watch the full interview with Witoldo Hendrich