Exclusivo Leo Fontes explica atuação da CBGE, PL dos eSports e apoia a regulamentação das bets   

Electronic sports are experiencing a growth process, accelerated even further during the pandemic. When traditional sports stopped around the world, eSports competitions continued and reached an even larger audience. In Brazil, this was no different.

According to Leo Fontes, president of CBGE (Brazilian Confederation of Games and eSports), the country appears in the Top 5 of the global gaming market. In other words, for every four Brazilians, three play an electronic game. Therefore, the competitive segment seeks ways to guarantee resources to continue promoting its base.


Currently, a bill provides for the inclusion of the sport among those benefiting from the resources raised by Caixa Econômica Federal lotteries, as is already the case with the Olympic and Paralympic committees. In this way, CBGE is presented in the PL as a representative of the sector in the country.

“The proposal provides for CBGE to be included in the benefit of the transfer of lotteries in Brazil, not taking any percentage from the entities that are already present. It is very important for electronic sports to have this annual budget security so that we can plan and guarantee promotion, mainly at the base of our structure”, stated Leo Fontes.

Recently, a public hearing was held in Congress to debate the project. “It was very positive, I am a manager who likes dialogue. It helped many who were present to understand what electronic sport is,” he highlighted.

“We are not here for one modality, we have general representation to guarantee this development and a little more democratization for this sector”, stated Leo Fontes, confident of the approval of the matter in the coming months.

Partnerships with other confederations

Furthermore, Leo Fontes anticipated that CBGE should announce a series of partnerships with other sports confederations to take over and/or manage eSports departments.

“These large confederations have traditional sport as their main product, not that electronic sport is any less important, but of course in terms of weight and effort, it always ends up going to traditional sport.”

“And like CBGE, it is very dedicated to eSports, being part of this process with them to be able to enhance the segment, using confederations as partners, is very necessary”, he continued.

ESports Betting

Asked about the relationship between betting and electronic sports, the president of the Brazilian Confederation of Games and eSports said that he is following it with ‘good eyes’. “The whole world already has this active scenario, Brazil has absorbed it and is regulating it”.

The entity is also willing to dialogue and help in the process of involving betting companies in the sector. “May electronic sports and betting be able to walk together to bring this potential to the world of eSports”, he stressed.

Electronic Sports Olympiad

Finally, Leo Fontes said that he was surprised by the announcement by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) about the creation of the Electronic Sports Olympics. The first edition will take place in 2025, in Saudi Arabia.

Therefore, the expectation is that the global entity will share details of the event’s organization in the coming weeks. “Due to our representation, we hope to be officially recognized as the confederation for the Olympic cycle. I confess that I was not prepared for the news. For Brazil, it’s something huge”, he concluded.