Foto: Edilson Rodrigues/Agência Senado

In contrast to other sports, eSports do not share the resources of federal lotteries. Senator Izalci Lucas (PSDB-DF) proposes changes through Bill 6,118/2023, which aims to include the Brazilian Confederation of Games and eSports (CBGE) in the National Sports System, allocating 0.04% of lottery revenue to this sector.

Currently, six sports committees, such as the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB) and the Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB), receive resources from lotteries. The senator believes that this inclusion could be a significant boost for the development of esports.

“The Brazilian Confederation of Games and eSports assumed the mission of defending the interests of eSports participants in Brazil”, highlighted the senator.

In order for it to continue playing its institutional role, it would be of great importance to allocate a modest percentage of the lottery’s revenue to numerical predictions, as is already the case with other committees and confederations”, he added.

Directing lottery resources to eSports entity

The resources directed to CBGE will be fully applied to programs and projects to promote, develop and maintain electronic sports.

This includes human resources training, technical preparation, support for athletes at sporting events, and coverage of administrative expenses.

The project, presented in December, will begin its legislative process in the Senate in February. The proposal aims to level the playing field of eSports with other traditional modalities, recognizing its growing importance on the national scene.

The Brazilian Confederation of Games and eSports

Affiliated to the Global Esports Federation (GEF), it brings together state entities, leagues, clubs and athletes, aiming to develop the electronic games sector and the games industry.

Thus, the entity promotes educational, social and sporting projects, aligned with its mission of developing initiatives and services for the electronic sports community and the games industry.

In partnership with various stakeholders, CBGE actively seeks to create opportunities in the eSports market in Brazil. This is reflected in the promotion of competitions, events and educational projects.

The entity’s mission is to develop innovative and socially responsible actions, representing Brazil on the international stage.