Corinthians Becomes 1st Brazilian Team with Specialized Sector in eSports

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Corinthians Becomes 1st Brazilian Team with Virtual Soccer Sector
Photo: Site Oficial Corinthians

The passing of the 110th anniversary of Corinthians brought news for fans passionate about eSports. This is because the team will invest in the creation of Corinthians E-Football, aiming to participate in virtual football tournaments. Currently, Timão is already world champion of Free Fire, one of the most famous modalities.

Therefore, Corinthians makes history for being the first club to invest in structuring a specific sector for virtual football with members with a regulated daily life, technical committee and monitoring of health and sports performance.

“We are very happy to have this new structure and expansion in virtual football, which is vital for the continuity and continuity of our Esports teams. Despite already having Felipe Mestre as the first athlete in the segment and then with the already winning FreeFire team, having the foot, or rather the hands, in the modality that is our main core business was natural for a competitive market that is each more and more developed ”, said Alex Watanabe, Marketing Manager at Corinthians.

The tendency is for the new team to focus on Pro Evolution Soccer disputes, one of Timão’s supporters. The team already has Felipe Mestre, Bruninho Futefacil and Ghalbim. The initiative will also include youtuber and content creator Afonso Games.

In addition, the new team will be housed at the Joaquim Grava Training Center, where they train the players of the main football squad. The objective is to strengthen the ties between the two modalities so that the CT is a point of connection between the teams.

Corinthians project will have partnership

The Corinthians project will be promoted in partnership with TTB Branded Content, a company focused on growing the gaming landscape in the country.

“Corinthians is not the first team to create a virtual football team, but I certainly assure you that it is the first to do it in a more professional manner and with a focus on the franchise developed by Konami, which is one of the club’s sponsors ”Said Felipe Carvalho, TTB’s CEO.

Carvalho added: “The model will undoubtedly be soon followed by other teams, as it is focused on the growth of the sport, on the athletes’ performance and on the return of sponsors”.

The partnership between the agency and the football club will not only focus on championships, but also on interaction with the public through actions with players, lives, promotions and the creation of specific content for the white crowd.