At the Altamira Tourism Seminar, held on September 13th in Pará, the main panel of the event discussed sport, gambling and casinos in synergy to enhance tourism in this city and in Brazil.
The panel was mediated by the Secretary of Tourism of Altamira, Eliana Couto, who orgnized the seminar, with 3 speakers.
Bruno Omori, president of IDT-CEMA, began his presentation talking about the strength of global tourism exports, which will be in the order of US$ 8 trillion, and spoke about the demand to create differentiated experiences for tourists who come for business or pleasure in a destination such as, for example, Altamira in Pará, with the Amazon forest, Xingu river.
All of this, not only meeting the needs of tourists, but creating demands like brands like Apple or Disney do, creating synergies to generate different experiences, uniting regional gastronomy, indigenous experiences, sport fishing, water sports and adventure in the jungle , culture aligned with sustainability, with the proximity of COP 30 in Pará in 2025, which will be enhanced.
Bruno Omori also said that with the approval of the Gambling and Casinos Law, Brazil will have national and international investments of US$ 70 billion, and where in the state of Pará it will be able to have 1 casino integrated resort, probably 2 tourist casinos and even 1 bingo a every 150 thousand inhabitants per city.
All of this will strengthen destinations, increase the supply of labor and foreign exchange, in addition to the transfer of taxes and concessions of 10% for sport and 12% for tourism.
Omori commented on the case of Las Vegas, which has the largest hotel offer in the world with 175 thousand UHs, that gaming represents 45% of GDP, the remaining 55% is the result of gastronomy, shopping, shows/culture (there are 5 Cirques du Soleil) , events/fairs in all segments, and sporting events such as MMA, ice hockey, among others.
The Secretary of Sports of Altamira, Victor Conde, presented the sports cases that the municipality has been developing, including sports integrated with tourism and culture, integrating social, educational and economic actions.
He believes that the games will enhance local sports.
The great hero of Brazilian sports, Lars Grael, Olympic champion and sports leader, brought his victorious story in sports, overcoming the accident and challenges as National Secretary of the Ministry of Sports and Secretary of Sports of the State of São Paulo.
He also spoke about the integration of sport with all its social and health benefits, integrated with tourism to generate foreign currency and strengthen destinations, giving the example of how Barcelona prepared itself to be a great global tourism case through the 1992 Olympics.
In addition to events such as Formula 1, which in the city of São Paulo has an impact of more than R$2 billion on the city’s tourism and economy, and Sailing in both the Olympics and World Cups, which enhance the destination’s tourism by bringing tourists with high potential, of consumption.
The mayor of Altamira, Claudomiro Gomes, asked for the floor, thanked and congratulated the speakers and was very optimistic that he would soon be able to create a Bingo or Tourist Casino to encourage Altamira in tourism, generating new jobs, strengthening local culture and artists, presenting the region Xingu River with its gastronomic and sporting potential, as well as the Belo Monte Plant, which has already received more than 70 thousand visitors.