Foto: Hugo Rodrigues - Agência Corinthians

The Civil Police has made progress in the investigation into the transfer of Vaidebet‘s sponsorship to Corinthians. The main line of investigation involves the companies Rede Social Media Design Ltda., owned by Alex Cassundé, and Neoway Soluções Integradas em Serviços Ltda., owned by Edna de Oliveira.

The Court must decide on requests for breach of banking secrecy by these companies. Therefore, the data should be available by Friday (12).

This information is crucial for defining future steps and identifying the next people summoned to testify. The police already have some preliminary certainties, such as the absence of intermediation in sponsorship.

Among the names cited for testimony are Rozalah Santoro, former financial director, and Rodrigo Yun Lee, former legal director of Corinthians.

Armando Mendonça, vice-president of the club, gave evidence last Thursday (4), as a witness. He denied having conducted a parallel investigation, but confirmed hiring a private detective to investigate Neoway.

Vice-president of Corinthians talks about the Vaidebet case

Armando Mendonça expressed the need for an internal investigation at the club. In his words: “Within the club, I, as vice-president, demand and hope that the issue that you, the media, are publicizing, that the intermediary said that there was no intermediation, be immediately investigated.

This is very serious, this is a very serious issue. We heard, on several podcasts, in several press conferences, that there was even negotiation of the value of the commission, from 20% to 5%, to 10% and to 7%.

And, from what appears in the media, from what you say, Alex says he never negotiated anything at all. And this is very serious.”

Understand the case

Corinthians and VaideBet are involved in an alleged fraud scandal in sponsorship transfers. Therefore, the São Paulo Civil Police identified companies suspected of being “orange”, linked to Neoway, the intermediary of the agreement.

Three suspicious companies are Carvalho Distribuidora, ACJ Platform Comércios e Serviços, and Thabs Gestão e Serviços. Thus, the companies, created in 2023, have similar characteristics to Neoway and have partners who received social benefits.

Finally, the investigation points to a possible misuse of commission, which led to the termination of the contract between the bookmaker and the football club.